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DSEI Japan Logo

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21 - 23 MAY 2025


Why Visit DSEI Japan?

Why Visit DSEI Japan?


DSEI Japan provides the greatest opportunity for the global defence industry to meet the Japanese defence community, supporting the sourcing of the latest equipment and systems, developing international relationships and generating new business opportunities and partnerships between Japan and the world.

The second edition of DSEI Japan took place on 15-17 March 2023, with 200+ exhibitors from across the globe. The event offered a range of high-level conferences, seminars and bilateral meetings featuring world-class speakers.



Top Reasons To Attend

200+ Exhibitors

200+ Exhibitors

Meet with hundreds of Japanese and international exhibitors who will be exhibiting cutting-edge technology and live product demonstrations.
8000+ Attendees

8000+ Attendees

Over 12,000 attendees from across the globe  attended the second edition of DSEI Japan, including 597 VIPs, 510 Government Attendees and 1456 Military Attendees.



You will have unprecedented networking opportunities, which will allow you to establish new partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region.
High-level Conference

High-level Conference

Access to the three-day conference allows visitors to benefit from a high-level programme which outlines the future plans and needs of the region.

Supported By

Supported By

The 2019 & 2023 event was supported by the Japanese Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and ATLA, demonstrating Japan's commitment to the Japanese industry's growth.
International Pavilions

International Pavilions

Browse international pavilions from Australia, Israel, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and more.